
2011-12-18 09:31:21 来源:热心网友 作者: 浏览:0次 评论:0

梦见猫头鹰停在树上 —— 健康方面有阴影。看书时因为光线不够引起了近视,要特别小心。如果你戴着度数不合适的眼镜,劝你马上去换—付

梦见乌鸦画着圆圈飞翔 —— 表示人际关系将不顺。你的自命不凡,将受到朋友的厌恶。只有尽量谦虚,运势才会好转。

梦见老鹰在天空飞翔 —— 学业将有进步。不经意买回来的参考书,刚好适合你的学习能力。以此为契机,你的成绩开始步步高升。

梦见鸡在啄食饲料 —— 在行为方面将有被误解的可能。在街上不经意把视线盯在成人电影的广告牌上,刚好遇到同学经过……以后她们看你的眼光将带有嘲笑的意味。千万要小心哪。

梦见与停在手上的小鸟嬉戏 —— 暗示你将会热烈地恋爱。你必将陷入如痴如狂的爱情中,尝到它的酸甜苦辣。

梦见白鹤在空中飞翔 —— 财运可能好转。也许你母亲的定期存款期满,会问你想要买什么,选一个贵一点的东西吧。

Dream of owl sitting on a tree -- health shadow. Read a book because of light caused by lack of myopia, to be careful. If you wear degree is not suitable glasses, advise you to change to pay

Dream of flying crow painted circle -- that interpersonal relationship will not shun. You pretentious, will be friends. Only the best modest, fortune will turn for the better.

Dream of eagle flying in the sky -- there will be progress studies. Inadvertently bought back reference book, just for your learning ability. At this moment, your grades began to be promoted step by step.

Dream of chicken in the peck feed -- in behavior will have to be the possibility of misunderstanding. In the street when the fixated on adult movie billboard, just encounter students after ... ... Later they see your vision with ridicule means. Be careful what.

Dream and stop at the hands of birds play -- suggests that you will love. You will fall in love with an air almost of idiocy, taste the sour, sweet, bitter, hot.

Dream of crane fly in the sky -- fortune can turn for the better. Your mother probably deposit expires, will ask you to want what to buy, choose a more expensive things.

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